Wednesday, July 6, 2011

School of Rock

This video clip is from the movie school of Rock starring Jack Black. This movie is a about a teacher who is placed in a private school where it seems like the students are very bored with their everyday lives, and Jack Black is also very bored with his surroundings. Jack Black decides to create a band with his students with alternative motives in mind However by the end of the movie he ends up truly caring about the kids and their well-being. In this clip Jack Black is being observed by the principle because there have been complaints of "wired noises" coming from his classroom. The teacher is attempting to show how he uses music to help the children learn. I thought this was an interesting clip because I know has resident Teachers with A.U.S.L. we will be observed very often and will probably be very nervous at first like Jack Black seems to be in the clip. I also do think that there is definitely a different dynamic in the classroom when there is only the teacher and students compared to when there are administrators in the room. I hope as a resident teacher I can learn to bridge the gap between these two situations.

1 comment:

  1. thanks Carly, I like how you explain the awkwardness of having the administrator in the room, but also how establishing rapport with the kids is something to develop (which took some time for the teacher in this skit, but he's trying!)
