Monday, June 20, 2011

Teaching Philosophy

As productive members of society we all have certain obligations to uphold, but it is in my opinion that teachers have one of the most important jobs of all.  Teachers are required to shape the minds of young people and prepare them for the real world with all its trails and tribulations.  As a social science teacher I have an advantage over many other subjects because of how all-encompassing the social sciences are.  I am able to utilize the benefits of the social sciences as a subject to excite my students about their education.  While teaching history I have the ability to show my students where they come from which can in turn provide them with a new found identity.  Helping my students become aware of the past can influence their possible accomplishments in their future.  By teaching young people the importance of the social sciences, emphasizing social and civic awareness, and creating a community in my classroom, I am able to find my students’ highest potential, and help them realize it as well.
 Young people need to feel that they have the opportunity for success in life and that they have the necessary tools to do so.  Teachers have the job of instilling knowledge in their students and demonstrating that they care about their futures.  By showing the significance of history in my student’s lives, passionate promoting civic ideals, and creating a supportive community of learners, I emphasize the individual potential of each student and help them apply it to a broader spectrum of possibilities. 

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